Welcome to the PyRadmon Reborn website.
Click the menu icon to open the menu.
Since SourceForge is having some issues as of right now we will have the downloads on here.
To use PyRadmon Reborn on your Linux machine you would first have to follow the following steps.
- Install commands for python, PySerial and PyAudio (If in GUI mode, first open the Terminal, NOT THE ROOT TERMINAL.)
- cd ~
- sudo apt-get install python-dev
- sudo apt-get install python-serial
- su
- [Type your password, if required.]
- adduser <yourusername> dialout
- reboot
- [Log back in to the user you used before.]
- cd ~
- sudo apt-get install libportaudio0 libportaudio2 libportaudiocpp0 portaudio19-dev
- sudo apt-get install git
- sudo git clone http://people.csail.mit.edu/hubert/git/pyaudio.git
- cd pyaudio
- sudo python setup.py install
- Download (Multi)PyRadmon.py (If in GUI mode, first open the Terminal, NOT THE ROOT TERMINAL.)
- Download the preferred version in .tar.gz format.
- For MultiPyRadmon
wget 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/pyradmon-reborn/Stable/MultiPyRadmon/MultiPyRadmon.tar.gz?r=&ts=1417728675&use_mirror=master' - For PyRadmon
wget 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/pyradmon-reborn/Stable/PyRadmon/PyRadmon.tar.gz?r=&ts=1417728616&use_mirror=master'
- For MultiPyRadmon
- Unpack the tarball to the preferred location.
- tar zxvf (Multi)PyRadmon.tar.gz -C ~/PyRadmon
- Download the preferred version in .tar.gz format.
Getting PyRadmon Reborn to work
Now we will guide you through the first run process.
- Run (Multi)PyRadmon.py once.
- In the command line state:
- cd ~/PyRadmon
- python ./(Multi)PyRadmon.py
- In the GUI state:
- Open the Terminal
- cd ~/PyRadmon
- python ./(Multi)PyRadmon.py
- In the command line state:
- Edit the config.txt file, this will be created in the same directory where you stored your (Multi)PyRadmon.py
- nano config.txt
- In nano you can exit with saving by pressing [Ctrl] and [X] simultaneously, then pressing [Y] to confirm.
- Run (Multi)PyRadmon again, it will now start monitoring/uploading to Radmon.org using the configured settings.
- In the command line mode:
- python ./(Multi)PyRadmon.py
- In the GUI mode:
- python ./(Multi)PyRadmon.py
- In the command line mode:
Updating PyRadmon Reborn
Now we will guide you through the updating process.
- Stop the program
- Press [Ctrl] and [C] simultaneously.
- Delete the old files and folder
- cd ~
- rm -rf PyRadmon
- Download (Multi)PyRadmon.py (If in GUI mode, first open the Terminal, NOT THE ROOT TERMINAL.)
- Download the preferred version in .tar.gz format.
- For MultiPyRadmon
wget 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/pyradmon-reborn/Stable/MultiPyRadmon/MultiPyRadmon.tar.gz?r=&ts=1417728675&use_mirror=master' - For PyRadmon
wget 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/pyradmon-reborn/Stable/PyRadmon/PyRadmon.tar.gz?r=&ts=1417728616&use_mirror=master'
- For MultiPyRadmon
- Unpack the tarball to the preferred location.
- tar zxvf (Multi)PyRadmon.tar.gz -C ~/PyRadmon
- Download the preferred version in .tar.gz format.
- Run (Multi)PyRadmon.py once.
- cd ~/PyRadmon
- python ./(Multi)PyRadmon.py
- Edit the config.txt file, this will be created in the same directory where you stored your (Multi)PyRadmon.py
- nano config.txt
- In nano you can exit with saving by pressing [Ctrl] and [X] simultaneously, then pressing [Y] to confirm.
- Run (Multi)PyRadmon again, it will now start monitoring/uploading to Radmon.org using the configured settings.
- python ./(Multi)PyRadmon.py